Welcome to the Cubase VST series for Macintosh Computers.
This installer will automatically copy all the required files to your hard disk. The Installer will create a folder for the program on the outer-most level on the hard disk. You can move it later if you wish.
Cubase VST System Requirements
• Cubase VST needs a PowerMac to operate.
• Only 16 bit audio hardware is supported.
• A minimum of 16 MB RAM is required.
• System 7.5 or higher is required.
This program has been tested with System 7.5.3 which now has the Sound Manager built in.
If you have System 7.5.3 then the following information about the Sound Manager version can be ignored.
• Sound Manager 3.2 is required, and supplied by Steinberg.
This section is valid only if you have a Mac System earlier than 7.5.3
Please use the version we supply. There are other versions of Sound Manager that may not work.
If the program asks for the 'SoundLib' you are using the wrong version.
• Cubase VST requires a 2nd level cache
It will run without, but it makes no sense to try, the system performance would be so low.
• PowerBooks in PowerPCs can not be fully supported.
They don't have 'disk to memory' DMA transfer chips and can only manage 3 or 4 tracks.
Important Settings for Best Performance
• Hard disks for audio must have an ASYNCHRONOUS driver installed.
Otherwise you'd be lucky if you can play more than 3 tracks.
The Apple driver currently appears to be the best one. Unfortunately, this only works for internal(APPLE rom) HD's.
Otherwise HDT Primer or similar tools will do the job.
Make sure that 'Blind transfers' or similar are enabled.
• File Sharing should be turned off.
Apple Talk may cause performance problems as well, especially when server(s) are mounted.
• Virtual Memory must be switched off. (Control Panel 'Memory').
• You should set 'Modern Memory Manager' active in the control panel 'Memory'.
It works without, but starting the program and some other actions are significantly slower then.
What to do if it doesn't immediately work.
• Try switching off all extensions (except Sound Manager)
• If the alert box 'Sound Output Failure' appears:
The first choice is to quit other applications, if there are any.
Set the sample rate to 44.1 kHz in the 'Sound' control panel.
Reduce the 'Preferred Size' (select Cubase in the Finder, and choose 'Info' from the file menu).
Also try reducing the 'Minimum Size down to 6 to 7 MB if the change in 'Preferred Size' doesn't help.
• If the Sound Manager gets stuck during start up:
The Apple Sound Manager can be sensitive to its memory requirements. For instance on a 7200 with 16 MB, it can get stuck if you assign 6500 kB to Cubase, while it would work fine with 6000kB and 7000kB(!). Try different settings if it gets stuck.
• If problems occur with Digidesign's Hardware.
Digidesign Hardware for stereo input/output can be used with their Sound Manager drivers. With the AudioMedia Card, you can NOT have input AND output at the same time. Any attempt to do so may cause unpredictable results or crashes (NuBus machines only).
• If you cannot access the 'Sound' control panel.
It is not possible to access the 'Sound' control panel (Sound Input options) while Cubase is active. So you should select the input source (CD, mic etc) before you start Cubase.
• OMS in 'full mode' doesn't work.
What to do about Audio Performance Problems
• If the audio stutters or mutes during playback.
The 'System Setup' Dialog can be used to adjust certain parameters. Please refer to the 'Audio Recording' Handbook for details.
• Disk Buffer Size: Experiment to see which works best with your hard-disk
• Number of tracks: Maybe try less with your current configuration.
• Memory per track: Try increasing this value.
• Use the 'Performance' window (from the Audio Menu)
• If you find unused audio files on your hard disk.
If the program crashes it may leave unused files on your disk. Look at the recording destination folder, there may be files which don't appear to be related to your song (especially those with only 512 bytes used).
• If the MIDI appears to be delayed.
The 'System Setup' Dialog can be used to adjust the MIDI pre-delay. Please refer to the 'Audio Recording' Handbook for details
• If the Monitor 'thru' delay is distracting
Because of the Sound Hardware architecture, there is a delay of approximately 60 mS in the monitor.
If you can, use an external mixer for monitoring. You might want to choose Global Disable Monitor.
This setup and trouble shooting documentation is subject to change as versions are tested with new hardware and system versions.
Everyone at Steinberg would like wish you 'many happy audio recordings'.